
Functional Areas

Programmatic Update

This section covers reporting for impact/outcome indicators, coverage indicators and/or work-plan tracking measures, if applicable, against the targets or milestones agreed between the Principal Recipient (PR) and the Global Fund and captured in the performance framework (PF). It contains key information from PF (module, indicator descriptions, baselines, performance targets, milestones and criteria for completion), results reported by the PR and verified by the Local Fund Agent, data-collection methods and comments to explain any variance between results and targets, analysis of data quality and reporting issues. Moreover, the PR is expected to provide disaggregated results for selected indicators. 

Impact/outcome indicators

Although the PR will not have to report on these indicators in all PU/DRs, it is nevertheless important to keep track of the implementation of the surveys necessary for future reporting (e.g. malaria indicator survey (MIS), Integrated Biological and Behavior Surveillance (IBBS), demographic and health surveys (DHS), etc.) and, if any delays in the surveys are expected, the PR should report the reason for the delay and revised timelines for conducting the survey and reporting results. 

If an indicator result is outstanding from the previous year, and there is a higher target for the current year, then the reported result will be compared against the target of the current year. If an indicator result is outstanding from previous years, and there is no target for the present year, then this indicator should still be listed until a result is reported. 

If any of the planned baseline surveys are delayed, the PR should report the reason for the delay, as well as revised timelines for conducting the survey. 

As survey results may not become available within the typical two-year lifetime of a grant, the Global Fund may include in the PF reporting timeframes beyond the grant end date. This should not present an issue as the results for these indicators would be publically available through national disease programmes. 


Results should be further disaggregated by age, sex, gender, status etc. for a specific set of impact/outcome indicators where disaggregation is required by the Global Fund. These indicators will be shaded in white when selected from the drop-down list. 

Coverage indicators

All modules and coverage indicators contained in the current PF should be selected from the drop-down menu or inputted manually for selected custom indicators, regardless of whether there are results for the period covered by the progress update or whether the targets have been met in previous periods. If an indicator is not due for reporting during the period, the indicator target field should state ‘Not due’. If results are significantly different from targets, the PR must provide reasons for the deviation. The PR should also comment on deviations from any related activities.

Practice Pointer
In the likely event of a variation between results and agreed-upon targets, the PR must explain and justify the variance. In doing so, the PR may cite, in the comments section, mitigating circumstances beyond its control. This explanation is very important in the PU/DR. The PR should report all specific shortcomings/obstacles that may have impacted the achievement of the target, in addition to the measures taken, planned, in place or required to address these shortcomings in the future. Any progress made in the respective measures, if applicable, should be similarly reported. The PR may provide additional qualitative information on programme results, success stories, lessons learned (or reasons why the PR could not achieve the targets set out in the PF.