
Functional Areas

Performance Framework

The performance framework is a statement of intended performance and impact, to be reported to the Global Fund over the grant term. It includes an agreed set of indicators and targets consistent with the programmatic gap analysis submitted by the country in the funding request. The performance framework is an essential part of the Grant Agreement between the Principal Recipient (PR) and the Global Fund, and it is completed during grant-making and builds on a simplified version of the performance framework (PF) submitted as part of the funding request. 

Key information included in the performance framework

In addition to the programme goals, objectives, associated indicators and targets, the performance framework includes the following information for each selected indicator:

  • Baseline and year of the data
  • Method of data collection/data source for baseline and targets
  • Targets for the periods when the planned activity will take place
  • Report due dates for impact and outcome indicators
  • Principal Recipient responsible for reporting results
  • Geographic coverage/target area (for coverage indicators) from where the results will be reported
  • Whether the target is a subset of another indicator in the grant
  • Required disaggregation categories
  • Baselines for the required disaggregation categories
  • Target cumulation (noncumulative or cumulative annually)

Additional information in the comments box that helps to explain the indicator, targets and their measurement, any assumptions and provisions. Comments should fully explain any such assumptions, for future reference in the case of any issues with target achievement. This could include sources of funding for different activities contributing to results measured by a specific indicator in case the activities are not fully funded by the Global Fund.