
Functional Areas

M&E Plan

The Global Fund requires a (national) monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan at the time of grant signing. The M&E plan is an essential document for a country, containing detailed information regarding indicators, data management, data quality assurance, evaluations, M&E coordination, capacity-building for M&E and an M&E budget/work plan. This section contains guidelines for developing or updating an M&E plan.

Principal Recipients (PRs) are required to submit the national monitoring and evaluation plan (specific to a disease or for a combination of the three diseases, depending on the country context), as agreed by in-country partners for monitoring the national strategy to which the Global Fund-supported programme contributes. In exceptional cases, a grant-specific M&E plan may be submitted. The table below provides an overview of the M&E plan requirements.

M&E plan requirements
  • National M&E plan linked to the disease or health sector strategic plans
  • Regional M&E plan in case of multi-country application
Scenario Recommendation
National M&E plan exists but does not include sufficient details Submission of national M&E plan, in addition to an annex detailing indicators, programmatic data collection, reporting and measurement methods for indicators that are not captured in the national M&E plan but are required by the Global Fund
No national M&E plan exists
  • Submission of Global Fund-specific M&E plan for grant signature
  • Subsequent elaboration of national M&E plan in case of government PRs

The main elements of a robust monitoring and evaluation plan are described in the Global Fund guidelines.