
Functional Areas

Performance Framework (replacing modular template)

The performance framework (PF) is a statement of intended performance and impact, to be reported to the Global Fund over the grant term. It includes an agreed set of indicators and targets consistent with the programmatic gap analysis submitted by the country in the funding request. Future Global Fund funding is dependent on country demonstrating impact—i.e. showing a trend towards reducing the impact of the epidemic. The PF targets are milestones in that direction.  In the short term, the results reported against the indicators and targets included in the performance framework form the basis for routine disbursements to the Principal Recipient (PR) during grant implementation. 

At the funding request stage the applicant should submit a simplified performance framework which includes high-level information on: impact and outcome modules, and annual or biannual targets. During grant negotiations (grant-making) the PR and the Global Fund Country Team will determine the coverage indicators, targets and reporting time frames for the PF.