
Grant Confirmation: Face Sheet

A Grant Confirmation sets forth a face sheet that requires Country Office (COs) to fill in information specific to their programme. The COs must, among other things, indicate the following:

  • Implementation period dates (cell #3.7): These are the dates on which programme activities during the relevant implementation period (e.g. grant extension) will formally commence and end. They should be in line with UNDP’s fiscal year, which runs from 1 January to 31 December. Should a different period be requested by the Global Fund, please consult the UNDP Legal Office (LO) and the UNDP Global Fund/Health Implementation Support Team.
  • Grant funds (cell #3.6): This line indicates the maximum grant amount, the ceiling up to which UNDP can request disbursement during the current implementation period. This amount does not include any cash balance that may remain with UNDP from the previous implementation period or from another grant in the case of consolidation. This means that the grant budget may be for a higher amount than that indicated in the face sheet, as it may include the grant funds (i.e. the amount allocated for the current implementation period) and, for example, cash balance from the previous implementation. As a general principle, a footnote should be added to the summary budget indicating that a part of the budget is being funded by available in-country cash balances and stipulating the amount of cash balance.
  • Grant currency: For the purposes of UNDP reporting and Atlas requirements, the US dollar is the preferred currency of the grant. However, the grant may also be in EURO. One or the other currency should be indicated in the face sheet. If there is an attempt by the Global Fund to enter another currency, the matter should be referred to the UNDP Global Fund/Health Implementation Support Team.

In addition to the face sheet, the Global Fund online system (SalesForce) necessitates that two additional forms be filled out: the bank account information form and the contact information form. The advantage of these forms is that they can be updated at any time, without the need for an implementation letter to be issued, as was the case prior to 2014. Further guidance on banking arrangements is available in the financial management section of the Manual.