Art. 27 of the Grant Regulations requires UNDP to maintain standards of conduct that govern the performance of its staff, Sub-recipients and suppliers, including the prohibition of conflicts of interest and corrupt practices in connection with the award and administration of contracts, grants, or other benefits, as set forth in, inter alia, the Staff Rules and Regulations of the United Nations, the relevant financial regulations and rules applicable to UNDP, the anti-fraud policy, and the relevant procurement policies and procedures.
In line with UNDP Programme and Operations Policies and Procedures (POPP), Art. 27 prohibits conflicts of interest and corrupt practices in connection with the award and administration of contracts, grants or other benefits.
It prohibits any person affiliated with the Principal Recipient (PR) (including staff, individual contractors, and counterpart government officials) from participating in the selection, award or administration of a contract, grant or other benefit or transaction funded by the grant, in which the person, members of the person’s immediate family or his or her business partners, or organizations controlled by or substantially involving such person, has or have a financial interest. Nor can persons affiliated with the PR participate in transactions involving organizations or entities with which that person is negotiating or has any arrangement concerning prospective employment.
Practice Pointer
If the Country Office (CO) has knowledge or becomes aware of any actual, apparent or potential conflict between the financial interests of any person affiliated with the PR, the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM), the Local Fund Agent (LFA), or the Global Fund and that person’s duties with respect to the implementation of the programme, the PR must immediately disclose the potential conflict of interest to the Global Fund. COs should also notify the UNDP Ethics Office and the Senior Programme Adviser of the Global Fund/Health Implementation Support Team.
Issues related to corruption should be referred to the UNDP Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI).