In preparing the budget, the Principal Recipient (PR) should include all relevant direct costs and indirect overhead costs.
The PR is responsible for negotiating any indirect and overhead costs to be charged by Sub-recipients (SRs) and other implementing entities. If such entities are international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), the relevant indirect cost recovery policies on SR costs apply. Local NGOs should include all charges as direct costs.
When formulating Global Fund budgets, UNDP policy is adhered to with respect to cost recovery. UNDP distinguishes between two types of costs in the implementation of its activities. These are:
GMS is defined as variable indirect costs incurred by an organization as a function and in support of its activities, projects and programmes. The key feature of these costs is that they cannot be traced unequivocally to specific activities, project or programmes.
The agreed percentage fee for GMS between UNDP and the Global Fund is non-negotiable. GMS is to be categorized as overhead and included as a budget line for all grants.
Based on the agreement between the Global Fund and UNDP, the GMS rate remains at 7 percent for a two-year period ending 10 October 2016, at which time it will be revisited.
Refer to UNDP Programme and Operations Policies and Procedures (POPP) on Resource Planning and Cost Recovery for detailed guidance on GMS.
The 1% coordination levy endorsed by Member States on 31 May 2018 through the United Nations General Assembly resolution 72/279 on the Repositioning of the United Nations development system (paragraph 10) does not apply to contributions from a global vertical fund. The data standard includes the Global Fund as an example of global vertical funds.
DPC are organizational costs incurred in the implementation of a development activity or service that can be directly traced and attributed to that development activity (projects & programmes) or service. Therefore, these costs are included in the project budget and charged directly to the project budget for the development activity and/or service.
DPC are driven by either: (i) Programme implementation and implementation support activities – costs incurred by UNDP to support project implementation by Operations Units, including services related to finance, procurement, human resources, administration, issuance of contracts, security, travel, assets, general services and information and communications technology; or (ii) Development effectiveness – activities and costs that support programme quality, coherence and alignment and relate to results in country and at regional levels. These are activities of a policy advisory, technical and implementation nature essential to deliver development results. In UNDP Country Offices (COs), these are the costs associated with Programme Units and Programme Support Units.
Direct project costs shall be identified during the project initiation phase. All anticipated programmatic and operational inputs, including development effectiveness activities and implementation support arrangements, need to be identified, estimated, and fully costed during the preparation of the project budget and annual work plan. DPC costs are to be calculated based on the actual costs required to provide implementation project support.
There are three options for implementing DPC:
Refer to POPP Resource Planning and Cost Recovery for detailed guidance on DPC policy and procedures.
UNDP and the Global Fund have agreed to charge a lump sum of $85,000 at the beginning of each year to the budget of the relevant Global Fund grants undergoing an audit by UNDP’s Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI). This amount represents a cap per country per year. If more than one grant is audited for a given year in the same country, the amount is prorated across the grants to be audited.
Procedures are as follows:
UNDP and the Global Fund have agreed to charge a lump sum of $50,000 to the budget of the relevant Global Fund grants to cover direct costs incurred by UNDP headquarters or regional offices for providing technical assistance to relevant national entities to prepare them for assuming the role of PR in line with capacity development or transition plans approved by the Country Coordinating Mechanism and/or the Global Fund. The $50,000 is prorated across all grants in a country requiring technical assistance. The lump sum normally covers, but is not limited to salary costs, consultants and country support missions, tools and guidelines.
The total amount UNDP can charge the entire Global Fund grant portfolio per year is $550,000, and this amount will be prorated among countries where more than 11 have approved capacity development (or transition) plans.
Procedures are as follows: