
Transition Strategy

Start Up

  • Establishing project management arrangements and corresponding project management structures for the new Principal Recipient (PR). 
  • Identifying and agreeing the institutional arrangements between the PR(s) and Sub-recipients (SRs).
  • Developing and implementing a Human Resource and Recruitment Plan for the new PR(s).
  • Designing and rolling out a staff orientation and training for the new PR(s).

Capacity Development and Technical Assistance Coordination

  • To prepare and implement a Capacity Development Plan for the new PR(s) after Transition.
  • To plan and coordinate Technical Assistance (TA) for the new PR(s) after Transition.
  • To identify and implement an ongoing PR support package of services for priority functions.

Grant Closure

  • The preparation, approval and implementation of a Grant Closure Plan.
  • Verification and transfer of assets.
  • The preparation and implementation of a Grant Handover and Continuity Plan.
  • Identify and plan the role of partners following transition.


  • Global Fund Capacity Assessment Tool (CAT) completed by new PR(s) to assess their ability to meet Global Fund minimum requirements.
  • Global Fund grant(s) performance framework finalized and approved.
  • UNDP functions and systems replaced by new PR(s).
  • Legal framework developed and approved to manage grants.
  • Budget management and reporting systems, standard operating procedures (SOPs) and guidance developed and in place and operational for the new PR(s).
  • Implementation management and work planning, SOPs, guidance and templates in place in new PR(s).
  • Financial management accounting and consolidated reporting, systems, manual, SOPs, guidance and templates in place and operational in new PR(s).
  • Monitoring and evaluation systems, indicator frameworks, databases, manual, SOPs, guidance and templates in place and operational in new PR(s).
  • New PR(s) have systems, SOPs and guidance in place and operational for the recruitment and management of TA.
  • Monitoring and reporting of the transition strategy in place and being carried out.

Sub Recipient (SR) Management 

  • Legal status, systems, processes and templates in place for the new PR(s) to contract SRs.
  • PR(s) have processes in place to identify and select SRs and ensure value for money.
  • PR(s) are able to assess the capacity of SRs and support SR capacity development and training.
  • PR(s) are able to put in place and utilize processes to manage, monitor and report on the performance of SRs.

Procurement and Supply Management (PSM)

  • New Procurement Plan prepared and approved six months prior to transition of PR-ship.
  • Options considered and preferred solutions decided for future procurement arrangements.
  • Put in place systems, SOPs and guidelines for national and international procurement.
  • Supply chain management options considered and preferred solutions decided and put in place.

The timing of the transition will vary, with a longer period of support likely to be needed for procurement of health products including medicines and lab diagnostics. 

Please visit the UNDP Capacity Development Toolkit for further guidance and resources on transition planning and strategy.