
Capacity Development and Transition – Lessons Learned

There are some emerging lessons learned that can be applied to the capacity development and transition planning and implementation process, to help ensure the results are sustainable;

  • The need for national vision and leadership to ensure ownership of the process and the results.
  • To be responsive to the political context and priorities and gain consensus on the capacity development and transition interventions using evidence based approaches.
  • To use a phased approach to transition to mitigate risk, develop resilient programmes and sustain life saving services.
  • To use a facilitated participatory process to engage stakeholders and partners in conducting evidence based assessments, prioritized action planning and agreeing measurable milestones.
  • To have a rationale for the return on investment in the functional capacities and strengthening systems as a key building block of resilient national disease responses.
Further information and Tools

Detailed guidance, tools, and examples of UNDP’s capacity development process and approach to health systems strengthening can be found in the UNDP Capacity Development Toolkit.